I returned to Victoria on Friday and spent the evening cooking some food and chilling out. On Saturday we got up pretty early and headed to Swartz Bay to get the ferry to Salt Spring Island. Bryan used to live on Salt Spring so after looking round a couple of nice wee shops we headed to his friend Fran's house and spoke to her for a while. There's a crafts market on in Ganges (the main town) on Saturdays so we got a ride into town for a coffee then had a look around that. There was lots of nice stuff but it's one of those ones where you don't actually need anything there so we didn't buy anything. We did grab some food from the supermarket then ate it on some rocks by the sea.
After that we played some frisbee golf and had a couple of drinks in Bryan's old work.
There's like one bus on Salt Spring and it's tiny and expensive so a lot of people -those without cars- get around by hitch hiking. So after our drinks we hitched a ride back to Fulford to get the ferry back to Victoria. We caught the last ferry and then took a bus downtown and were going to go to Big Bad Johns for a drink but they were allegedly full so we went to Sopranos for a beer to wait until the last bus.
We got up early on Sunday and I got all packed up and whatnot so we were ready to head out to the 72nd Victoria Highland Games. Yup, they love the British in Victoria! It was a sunny, sunny day so it was nice to hang out in a field, especially as it was probably the only place in Victoria where you could get a drink at 11am. As we were quenching our morning thirst I noticed a guy I recognised an it turned out it was Magy (my friend from Craigmount)'s brother, who I knew was living over there. So I went to say hi to him which was kind of weird but pretty cool.
After that I caught the bus to Swartz Bay again and got the 3pm ferry to Vancouver.
I arrived back in Van about 5pm and hauled my sunburnt self to my temporary home at Ralph's, and he had lasagna and wine waiting for me. Good guy. I feasted until content and had some drinks.
Today we went to Metrotown shopping centre because Ralph needed a summer coat and I'm a girl and good at shopping. Tonight I'm gonna cook up some thai green curry and it's going to be incredible.
I forgot to mention; when I was on the ferry back to Vancouver I saw a seal and something I suspect to be a whale. It looked sort of like a dolphin or a porpoise but it was travelling alone and they travel in pods so I think it was a whale. I need to do some research and see what kind of small whales hang about in the water there.
Alrighty I'm starving. Peace out.
good blog. I enjoyed the bit with me in. More of me please
things to note -
my brother phoned me right after and was like 'omg btw - alice!' etc etc
also - bryan is hot!
so is canada!
i REALLY hope you see a moose soon.
love me.x
Hahaha Canada was so hot, in fact, that my arm is consequently burnt tae France and the sun had to put out clouds to protect itself from being burnt by my arm!
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