Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Final Blog.

I know, I know, it's a sad day for all you blog fans. But I'm going home and I just don't foresee anything interesting happening there so this will be the end for now. Notwithstanding any fantastic events.
Anyway, I can't remember where the last blog ended so I'll just start from being back in Vancouver. It's pretty much been a week of basking in the sun, eating way too much and consuming much beer, wine, vodka and tea, since I've had no job to attend. I'm staying with Ralph for free so I thought I'd earn my keep through cooking and cleaning. This began with 44 shortbread biscuits to placate the masses of non-scots.
The only events of note that have taken place are the Eating of Vancouver (or the less interestingly named attendance of the Eat Vancouver expo) at B.C. Place and a rather fun coffee binge with Jeff, Debbie, Debi and Greg that required a pint of beer and some poutine (finally!) to sober me up from. Oh yeah, and I also got a tattoo. The tattoo took 2 incredibly boring hours, a small amount of pain, and any remaining funds I had. If only Mastercard could be paid off in shortbread...

Lotsa shortbreads
Eat Vancouver at B.C. Place

Debi, Debbie and Ralph

Me looking summery

My new tattoo; it's a Haida moon
So it's my last night and I intend to take it easy with some tea and some food before I head off to the airport tomorrow (flight at 1435) for my first lone flight. I hope it's not the worst thing ever. I kinda would like to sleep and not be horribly jet-lagged, although I fear that's going to be inevitable.
Sorry for the lack of substance to this, the final chapter of my time in Canada. Please don't ask me if I'm ready to come home, that is irrelevant. The fact is I am going home. I fully expect the novelty of Scotland to wear off within 5-7 days.
Thank you for your time and comments. You are hearby released- go forth and read what you wish.


RT said...

Great effort on the blog front over the last six months. Thoroughly entertaining.

Unknown said...

but what are we to do now??!